Corrector ?apa tu?

Corrector, apa tu? Pernah guna? Hi & Assalamualaikum…Hi hi hi make up junkies.. pernah guna tak corrector ni? Apa corrector ni? Sama function dengan concealer ke?ataupun sama macam foundation ke? Ok, I baru je mengenali corrector ni..since i start buat Bridal Make up a.k.a MUA. So, i try to understand what it is, function and how to apply it. Lets have a look on what Corrector all about. Corrector ni adalah daripada concealer tetapi ia mempunyai warna. Concealer normally is in skin tone colour kan, but corrector dia mengandungi warna warna iaitu warna merah, purple, peach, green, yellow and banyak lagi. Corrector Pallete Like what we have learn in our secondary school, understanding the basics of colours, bagaimana warna that directly across from another cancel the other one kan?. Can refer to the Colour Wheel below ; Colour Wheel Example : Warna merah is directly across warna hijau. Maksudnya, warna hijau akan neutralize warna merah. So, con...